Alexander, Anthony F. College Apologetics: Proof of the Truth of the Catholic Faith. Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., c.1994. This is a solid general work of classical apologetics.
Butler, Scott, Dahlgren, Norman, Hess, David. Jesus, Peter & the Keys: A Scriptural Handbook on the Papacy. Santa Barbara, California: Queenship Publishing Company, c. 1996. This scholarly book contains a staggering amount of pertinent information regarding Peter’s authority and papal succession.
Boettner, Loraine. Roman Catholicism. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, c. 1962. This is the sourcebook of anti-Catholicism. It is a work of superficial, dishonest scholarship that ignores primary sources nor does he attempt to research what the Catholic Church says about itself. Keating gives a thorough critique of Boettner’s book in Chapter 2 of Catholicism and Fundamentalism.
Brown, Raymond I. The Anchor Bible: The Gospel According to John, 2 vols., Garden City: Doubleday & Company, Inc., c. 1966. This commentary provides useful information regarding interpretations of John's Gospel.
Buby, Bertrand. Mary of Galilee. 2 Vols. New York: Alba House, c. 1994. These are the first two of three volumes on Mary’s role in God’s plan of salvation. An outstanding work of serious scholarship.
Burns, Kristen; Carroll, Warren; Marshner, William; Mirus, Jeffrey; Edited by Jeffrey A. Mirus. Reasons For Hope. Front Royal, Virginia: Christendom College Press, c. 1982. The essays by these fine scholars are excellent. Of particular interest may be these subjects: Foundation and Identity of the Church, Authority of the Pope, Defense of Dogma, Inquisition, the Crusades, Galileo Case, Justification by Faith.
Calkins. Arthur B. “Mary’s Spiritual Maternity,” This Rock, January 1996, pp. 7-17. This is an excellent well-documented article.
Calkins. Arthur B. Totus Tuus: John Paul II’s Program of Marian Consecration and Entrustment. New Bedford, Massachusetts: Academy of the Immaculate, c. 1992. Calkins’ approach is theological rather than apologetical, but this excellent work provides a sweeping view of Mary’s role in the Church.
Calvin, John. Institutes of the Christian Religion. Translated by Henry Beveridge. 2 vols. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1975. In this work, Calvin states his view of Christianity as opposed to the Roman Catholic Church.
Cavanaugh, Joseph H. Evidence For Our Faith. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, c. 1952. This is a classical general defense of the Catholic faith. Father Cavanaugh’s approach is extremely logical.
Chacon, Frank and Burnham, Jim. Beginning Apologetics: How to Explain and Defend the Catholic Faith.Farmington, NB: San Juan Catholic Seminars, c.1993-1996. This excellent booklet is a good place to start in discussing those questions that are raised by Protestants. The material is concise, but filled with biblical references. It provides a step-by-step method of explaining Catholic beliefs.
Chacon, Frank and Burnham, Jim. Beginning Apologetics II: Answering the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons. Farmington, NM: San Juan Catholic Seminars, c. 1996. The historical background regarding the origin of these two religions is very useful, as are the succinct responses.
Chamberlin, E. R. The Bad Popes. New York: The Dial Press, Inc., 1969. This is a work of serious historical research. The author attempts to objectively present the truth.
Cullmann, Oscar. Peter: Disciple, Apostle, Martyr. New York: Living Age Books, c. 1958. While Oscar Cullmann did not accept the Catholic Church’s teaching on the succession of Peter’s office, the famous scholar nevertheless clearly demonstrates that Jesus conferred a primacy on Peter, the Rock and that arguments to the contrary do not have a basis in the Bible.
Cummings, Owen F. "The Mariology of St. Ephrem," Lay Witness, December 1998, pp. 38-39. This is a useful article discussing the Mariology of this fourth-century Father of the Church.
Curran, Neil. Biblical Christianity for Catholics. Dallas, Texas: Biblical Communications, c. 1994. A useful brochure.
Currie, David B. Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1996. This stirring account of Currie’s conversion is very moving and insightful. He persuasively answers all the tough questions. This is an excellent work.
Daniel-Rops, Henri. The Protestant Reformation. Translated by Audrey Butler. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, LTD, C. 1961. This is a solid history of the Reformation written by an excellent historian.
De Lai, Cardinal Gaetano. The Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. New York: P. J. Kennedy & Sons, c. 1925. This work is particularly valuable because it draws heavily from the writings of the Fathers of the Church.
De Sales, St. Francis. The Catholic Controversy. Translated by Henry Benedict Mackey. Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 1989. This is St. Francis de Sales' classic defense of the Catholic faith. During his lifetime this holy man brought 60,000 Protestants back to the Catholic Church. Well worth reading.
Dickson, Charles. A Protestant Pastor Looks at Mary. Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division Our Sunday Visitor, Inc., c. 1996. Charles Dickson is a Lutheran pastor and theologian. This book attempts to bridge the gap between contemporary Protestant and Catholic views of Mary. He gives a compelling presentation that Marian doctrines should be accepted by all Christians. This is the best book to give to Protestants who have questions about Mary.
Feuillet, Andre. Jesus and His Mother According to the Lucan Infancy Narratives, and According to St. John: The Role of the Virgin Mary in Salvation History and the Place of Woman in the Church. Translated by Leonard Maluf. Still River, Massachusetts: St. Bede’s Publications, c. 1984. This is a work of first-rate scholarship.
Fortescue, Adrian. "Veneration of Images," Catholic Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia Press, Inc., c. 1913 - available from the New Advent Web Page, This excellent 16-page article provides excellent insight into the issues related to the veneration of images.
Frazier, T. L. “Assumptions about Mary,” This Rock, May/June 1992, pp. 12-18. This is a good article written by a convert to the Catholic faith who recognized the lack of complete truth in Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism.
Gambero, Luigi. Mary and the Fathers of the Church: The Blessed Virgin Mary in Patristic Thought. Translated by Thomas Buffer. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1999. Fr. Gambero is an internationally known expert on early Christianity. In this work of impeccable scholarship, he presents an intriguing and comprehensive survey of Marian doctrine and devotion during the first eight Christian centuries. Some of the texts cited here have never before been published in English.
Garrigou-Lagrange, Reginald. The Mother of the Savior and Our Interior Life. Translated by Bernard J. Kelly. St. Louis: B. Herder Book Company, c. 1941. Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange was a renowned professor of Dogmatic and Mystical Theology at the Angelico in Rome. His approach is theological and spiritual rather than apologetical, but it is, nevertheless, an indispensable tool in understanding the Catholic Church’s teaching on Mary’s role in salvation history.
Gibbons, James Cardinal. The Faith of Our Fathers: A Plain Exposition and Vindication of the Church Founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ. Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., c. 1980. The late Cardinal’s title says it all. This is a classic work.
Giles, E. Editor. Documents Illustrating Papal Authority A.D. 96 - 454, Westport, Connecticut: Hyperion Press, Inc. c. 1952, 1982. In a single volume, this book provides evidence from the writings of the early Church of the belief of Papal authority.
Gray, Timothy. "Replacing Judas: A Lot More Than Meets the Eye," Lay Witness, September 1997, pp. 4-5. This article discusses the significance of Matthias' appointment to a dynastic office and to the priesthood.
Grodi, Marcus. Journeys Home. Santa Barbara, California: Queenship Publishing Company, c. 1997. Marcus is a former Presbyterian pastor who converted to the Catholic Church. He now heads the Coming Home Network International, a ministry dedicated to helping Protestant clergy and laity come to the Catholic Church. There are so many good things to say about this book, it is difficult to know where to begin. The convert stories in Part I are powerfully moving. Equally impressive is Part II, which narrates events in the Coming Home Network. The appendices are also very useful. I highly recommend this book.
Grodi, Marcus editor. "Salvation and Justification," The Coming Home Journal, volume 2, Issue 1, 44 pages. This is a collection of insightful essays on the subject of justification and salvation.
Graham, Henry G. Where We Got the Bible: Our Debt to the Catholic Church. Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., Twenty-second printing. First written in 1911, this little book provides an excellent history of the formation of the Bible.
Hahn, Scott & Kimberly. Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1993. This moving account answers many of the questions Protestants have about the Catholic Church. This is well worth reading.
Howard, Thomas. Evangelical Is Not Enough: Worship of God In Liturgy and Sacraments. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1984. Professor Howard describes his deep love for Evangelicalism and his pilgrimage to the Roman Catholic Church through his discovery of authentic liturgical Christianity.
Howell, Kenneth J. "The Eucharist as Center of the Church," This Rock, December 1996, pp. 11-13. This fine scholar presents in this article an insightful understanding of the Blessed Eucharist in the context of the sacrifice of the Mass.
Howell, Kenneth. “The New Surge of Converts to Rome from Protestantism,” from New Oxford Review, March 1996. Dr. Howell is a former Presbyterian minister who taught at the Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi. In this insightful article, he discusses The Network (P.O. Box 4100, Steubenville, OH 43952), a support organization for those seeking to enter the Catholic Church or to obtain accurate information about it.
Jaki, Stanley L. “And On This Rock” . . . Divine Origin of the Papacy. Bookings, SD: O. B. L Victory Mission, Inc., 1980. This is a concise booklet written by a recognized scholar.
Jaki, Stanley L. The Keys of the Kingdom. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1986. This scholarly work discusses the dynastic aspects of papal primacy.
Jurgens, W. A. Edited and translated. The Faith of the Early Fathers. 3 Vols. Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, c. 1970. This is a one-of-a-kind sourcebook of early Christianity. Its useful index and paragraph numbers allow the reader to quickly select a topic and find what the early Church believed.
Keating, Karl. Catholicism and Fundamentalism: The Attack on “Romanism” by “Bible Christians.” San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1988. A logical well-researched response to the biblical challenge to the Catholic Church by the founder of Catholic Answers.
Keating, Karl. The Usual Suspects: Answering Anti-Catholic Fundamentalists, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 2000. In the words of John Cardinal O'Connor: "Through a series of careful examinations of arguments against the Church, Keating establishes the veracity and unfolds the sincerity of the church in dialogue with those who would question both. For those who seek not only the roots but the responses to voices against the Faith, Keating's book is a treasure."
Keating, Karl. What Catholics Really Believe - Setting the Record Straight: 52 Answers to Common Misconceptions about the Catholic Faith. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Servant Publications, c. 1992. A very well-done addition to Keating’s earlier work listed above.
Kelly, J.N.D. Early Christian Doctrines, San Francisco: Harper, 1978. John Norman Davidson Kelly is an acknowledged authority on patristic literature. He held the prestigious position as Principal of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, England. This work is a lucid summary of Christian thought from the apostolic age to the Council of Chalcedon in the fifth century.
Kistler, Don General Editor. Sola Scriptura! The Protestant Position on the Bible. Morgan, PA: Soli Deo Gloria Publications, c. 1995. The main essays were written by Robert Godfrey, James White, R.C. Sproul, John Armstrong, John MacArthur, Sinclair Ferguson, Joel Beeke, and Ray Lanning. I found the book disappointing because I was hoping for a more spirited scriptural defense of Sola Scriptura.
Kodell, Jerome. The Eucharist in the New Testament, Wilmington: Michael Glazier, c. 1988. While this little book offers some useful information, it would be more useful if the author had greatly expanded his ideas.
Kreeft, Peter & Tacelli, Ronald. Handbook of Christian Apologetics. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press, c. 1994. This is a fine work on general apologetics that does not focus on the Catholic vs Protestant issues.
Lay Witness published by Catholics United for the Faith, Inc. 827 N. Fourth St. Steubenville, Ohio 43952. This monthly magazine focuses on apologetic issues, but it is not as hard-hitting or as focused as This Rock.
Lukefahr, Oscar. The Privilege of Being Catholic. Liguori, Mo: Liguori Publications. c. 1993. The focus of this excellent work is the sacramental principle that permeates the Catholic Church. Drawing from Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, Fr. Lukefahr demonstrates that the Incarnation of Christ is the core principle, which centers Catholic life. This is an excellent work for Catholic study groups. A useful workbook is also available.
Lukefahr, Oscar. We Believe: A Survey of the Catholic Faith. Liguori, Mo.: Liguori Publications, c. 1990. Fr. Lukefahr provides an excellent presentation of the Catholic faith in concise but simple language. Its cross-references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church make it a fine source for anyone wishing to learn more about the Catholic Church. This is a solid tool for RCIA programs. A useful workbook is also available.
Luther, Martin. Commentary on Galatians. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker Book House, c. 1988. This commentary provides a good presentation in Luther’s own words of his doctrine of justification by Faith Alone.
Madrid, Patrick. Editor. Surprised by Truth: Eleven Converts Give the Biblical and Historical Reasons for Becoming Catholic. San Diego: Basilica Press, c. 1994. Patrick Madrid, formerly on the staff of Catholic Answers, is responsible for my renewed interest in apologetics. This riveting book is an ideal book to give to someone who is sincerely questioning the Catholic faith. Excellent, I couldn’t put it down.
Manelli, Stefano. All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed: Biblical Mariology. Translated by Peter Damian Fehlner, New Bedford, Massachusetts: Academy of the Immaculate, c. 1995. This scholarly work examines in detail the scriptural presentation of Mary showing the basis for Catholic beliefs. He presents a solid panoramic of Mary in the Old Testament but provides a detailed treatment of New Testament texts.
Martin, Curtis. "The Communion of Saints," Lay Witness, November 1997. In this brief article Curtis Martin, the president of Catholics United for the Faith (CUF), gives a reasoned explanation of the veneration of saints.
Mateo, Father. Refuting the Attack on Mary, a Defense of Marian Doctrines. San Diego: Catholic Answers, c. 1993. These are excellent responses to attacks on Mary that appeared in the Christian Research Journal published by the Christian Research Institute, CRI.
Miller, J. Michael. The Shepherd and the Rock: Origins, Development and Mission of the Papacy, Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, c. 1995. This is a very scholarly treatment of its subject that will appeal most to serious students of the Papacy.
Miranvalle, Mark I. Mary: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate, Santa Barbara: Queenship Publishing, c. 1993. Dr. Miranvalle, who teaches at the Franciscan University in Stubenville, is a world-class authority on Mariology. In this little book, he gives an outstanding treatment of the subject. His discussion of biblical passages is particularly helpful.
Morgan, Bob. A Guide For Protestants: A Closer Look At Catholicism. Waco, Texas: Word Books Publisher, c. 1986. The truths of the Catholic faith presented in an articulate narrative style.
Most, William G. Catholic Apologetics Today: Answers to Modern Critics. Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc. c. 1986. Father Most is a highly respected scripture scholar.
McCann, Dom Justin. The Spirit of Catholicism. New York: The Macmillan Company, c. 1930. This out-of-print scholarly work is an excellent explanation of the Catholic faith.
Nevins, Albert J. Answering Fundamentalists. Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, c. 1990. Good basic work.
Newman, John Henry Cardinal. An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. C. 1989. This is the classic work on this subject. Newman began his study of the faith of the early Church as Protestant and ended his study compelled to become a Roman Catholic.
O’Brien, John A. Editor. Winning Converts: A Symposium on Methods of Convert Making for Priests and Lay People. San Diego: Catholic Answers, c. 1996. Catholic Answers has reprinted and updated this excellent 1946 guide to effective evangelizing. It gives hundreds of time-tested techniques that win souls for Jesus Christ.
O'Connor, James T. The Hidden Manna: A Theology of the Eucharist, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1988. This is a superb discussion of the Real Presence beginning with the apostolic tradition up to the present time. His exploration of how this doctrine is presented in the writings of the early Church Fathers is excellent. He truly captures the breadth of this marvelous mystery.
Payesko, Robert. The Truth About Mary: A Scriptural Introduction to the Mother of Jesus for Bible-Believing Christians, Vol. 1 "From Human Inventions to the Truths Taught by Scripture," Vol. 2 "Mary in Scripture and the Historic Christian Faith," Vol. 3 "A Response to Fundamentalist Misconceptions and a Return to Historic Christianity," Santa Barbara, California: Queenship Publishing Company, c. 1996. These volumes contain a great deal of useful information. They would benefit from a good index and a complete bibliography.
Perrin, Joseph-Marie. Mary: Mother of Christ and of Christians. New York: Alba House, c. 1978. This fine study approaches its subject theologically.
Potterie, Ignace de la. Mary In the Mystery of the Covenant. Translated by Bertrand Buby. New York: Alba House, c. 1992. A work of superb scholarship.
Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal. Daughter Zion: Meditations on the Church’s Marian Belief. Translated by John M. McDermott. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1977. This profound little book is worth its weight in gold.
Ray, Stephen K. Crossing the Tiber: Evangelical Protestants Discover the Historic Church. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1997. This is more than another moving story of a convert’s journey from his Baptist roots to the Catholic Church. What makes this tale so valuable are the powerful theological insights documented by over 400 footnotes. He convincingly shows the Church of the Bible and the Church of the first Christian centuries is the Roman Catholic Church.
Ray, Stephen K. "John 3:16 and Eternal Security," This Rock, September 1995, pp. 16-17. This fine article gives a persuasive refutation of the Protestant doctrine of one-saved-always-saved in the context of Jn 3:16.
Ray, Stephen K. Upon This Rock: St. Peter and the Primacy of Rome in Scripture and the Early Church. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1999. This superbly researched and well-written book carefully and convincingly presents the biblical and patristic evidence for papal authority. It was composed in response to William Webster's attack on Catholic teaching Peter and the Rock. This book is mandatory reading for anyone seriously interested in this important subject.
Roberts, Kenneth. Father Roberts Answers Fundamentalists. Washington, D.C.: Our Sunday Visitor, Inc., c. 1993. This is a useful pamphlet.
Romero, Mario P. Unabridged Christianity: Biblical Answers to Common Questions About the Roman Catholic Faith, Goleta, California, c. 1999. This fine book written by a priest from the diocese of Lafayette, Louisiana is a very useful defense of the Catholic faith. He discusses most of the subjects over which Catholics and Protestants disagree showing the biblical and patristic basis for the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Ruby, Bertrand. Mary of Galilee: Vol. I, Mary in the New Testament; Vol. II, Woman of Israel-Daughter Zion. Staten Island, New York: Alba House, 1994 & 1995. This is a work of solid scholarship that draws from Sacred Scripture, Patristic literature, and Church documents. This is must reading for anyone seriously interested in understanding God’s role for Mary from the biblical perspective.
Rumble, Leslie and Carty, Charles. Radio Replies. 3 Vols. Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 1979. This useful book provides 1588 questions and answers regarding Catholicism and Protestantism.
Ryland, Ray. "Papal Primacy and the Council of Nicaea," This Rock, June 1997, pp. 24-27. This is an excellent discussion of papal primacy in the historical context of the Council of Nicaea.
Ryland, Ray. "The Epiphany of the Roman Primacy," This Rock, February 1977. Fr. Ryland's article discusses the authority Jesus gave to Peter.
Shea, Mark P. By What Authority? An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition. Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division Our Sunday Visitor, Inc., c. 1996. This superb explanation of Sacred Tradition is clear and persuasive. It is the best treatment on the subject. This is must reading.
Shea, Mark P. This Is My Body: An Evangelical Discovers the Real Presence. Front Royal, Virginia: Christendom Press, c. 1993. A first-rate treatment of the biblical basis of the Blessed Eucharist.
Sheed, Frank & Ward, Maisie. Catholic Evidence Training Outlines: A Classic Guide to Understanding and Explaining the Truths of the Catholic Church. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Catholic Evidence Guild. C. 1992. This work is designed as a practical guide to help one understand the truths of the Catholic faith and to explain it to others.
Sproul, R. C. Faith Alone, The Evangelical Doctrine of Justification. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books, c. 1995. R. C. Sproul is the professor of systematic theology and apologetics at Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, Florida. This book is written in opposition to the understanding between Catholics and Protestants expressed in the document “Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium.” While Professor Sproul is more objective than most anti-Catholics in presenting the teaching of the Catholic Church, he is nevertheless unwilling to debate trained Catholic apologists on this or any of the other areas that he judges the Catholic Church to be in error.
Sri, Edward P. "Is Mary's Queenship Biblical?" This Rock, December 1998, pp.15-17. This is a solid presentation of the biblical basis of the queenship of Mary.
Stenhouse, Paul. Catholic Answers to “Bible” Christians: A Light on Biblical Fundamentalism. Kensington, N.S.W.: Chevalier Press, c. 1993. Excellent succinct treatment on the topics covered.
Stenhouse, Paul. Volume Two - Catholic Answers to ‘Bible’ Christians: Further Light on Biblical Fundamentalism. Kensington NSW Australia: Chevalier Press, c. 1993. This is a worthy follow-up to the previous work. Some of the topics discussed here are not usually treated elsewhere.
Sungenis, Robert A. How Can I Get to Heaven? The Bible's Teaching on Salvation Made Easy to Understand. Santa Barbara: Queenship Publishing Company, c. 1998. This is a wonderfully clear and persuasive discussion of this important topic. It's a book all Christians should read.
Sungenis, Robert A. "John 6:54-55, and the Meaning of the Verb 'to Eat' Flesh," an essay from Matt's Catholic Apologetics Page. This is an outstanding essay that develops the significance of the use of the Greek verb trogo in comparison to the usual word for eating, phago.
Sungenis, Robert A. Not By Faith Alone: The Biblical Evidence for the Catholic Doctrine of Justification. Santa Barbara, California: Queenship Publishing Company, c. 1997. This is a compelling defense of the biblical instruction on justification. The author was a Reformed pastor who earned his Masters at Westminster Theological Seminary. He is now the president of Catholic Apologetics International. What makes this book so powerful is its thoroughness, regard for the text of Sacred Scripture and his respect for his Protestant roots. This is a work of outstanding scholarship. It is must reading for anyone who wishes to seriously explore this important subject.
Sungenis, Robert A. Not By Bread Alone: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for the Eucharistic Sacrifice. Goleta, California: Queenship Publishing Company, c. 2000. This is a marvelous defense of the Catholic doctrine of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and the Sacrifice of the Mass. In addition to showing the biblical evidence that supports these Catholic beliefs, the author provides abundant support from the writings of the Church Fathers. His treatment is clear, persuasive, and thoroughly documented. This work is highly recommended.
Sungenis, Robert A. Editor and Author. Not By Scripture Alone: A Catholic Critique of the Protestant Doctrine of Sola Scriptura. Santa Barbara, California: Queenship Publishing Company, c. 1997. This is the most thorough examination of Sola Scriptura. It will, I believe, become a definitive work. In Addition to Sungenis, who is the president of Catholic Apologetics International, the other contributors to this outstanding work are: Philip Blosser, Ph.D., Robert Fastiggi, Ph.D., Joseph A. Gallegos, Patrick Madrid, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J., Ph.D. Mark Pl Shea, and Father Peter Ml M. Stravinskas, Ph.D., S.T.L.
Suprenant, Leon J. Jr. "Mary, Conceived Without Sin: The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception," Lay Witness, May 1999, pp. 23-26. This pithy article is a useful summary of the dogma.
Vassall-Phillips, O.R. "The Communion of Saints," This Rock, February 1999, pp.34-38. This essay discusses Christ's unique role as the one mediator and the relationship of all subordinate mediators to Him.
The Biblical Defense of the Catholic Church - Twelve 90-minute audiotapes by Jimmy Seghers. This powerful defense presents the biblical foundation for the Catholic faith in response to the tough issues that separate Catholics and Protestants. Price: $40.00 plus $5.00 shipping. Order now or see Tapes Available for more information.
The Coming Home Journal, "Salvation and Justification, Vol. 2, Issue 1, January to June 1999 published by The Coming Home Network International, P.O. Box 4100, Steubenville, OH 43952 (800) 664-5110. The Coming Home Network was established by Marcus Grodi to aid inquiring clergy and laity of other Christian faith returning home to the Catholic Church. The Journal is published semi-annually. The issue cited runs 44 pages. All the articles are excellent.
Envoy. Subscription department, New Hope, KY 400052-9989, 1-800-55-ENVOY, This fine bi-monthly magazine is devoted to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. Patrick Madrid, formerly of Catholic Answers is Editor-in-Chief. This is a fine publication that deserves broad-based Catholic support.
Family Life Center International, P.O. Box 6060, Port Charlotte, Fl 33949. This fine organization is founded by Steve Woods, a convert who was formerly a Presbyterian Minister. Steve is also the founder of St. Joseph Covenant Keepers, an outstanding organization of Catholic men committed to their family and the Church. Steve's apologetical tapes showing the biblical foundation for the Catholic faith are excellent.
Hahn, Scott & Kimberly. Catholic Adult Education on Video. West Covina, California: St. Joseph Communications. C. 1994. This one-of-a-kind video series consists of 20 video tapes and 6 study guides. Scott and Kimberly are excellent presenters. The study guides provide an excellent overview, outline with video times indicated, recommended readings, discussion questions, and a transcript of the complete presentation. This an excellent resource for Catholics and those seeking information about the faith.
St. Joseph Communications, Inc. P.O. Box 720, West Covina, CA 91793. Order # 1-800-526-2151; Fax 818-858-9331. St. Joseph's Communications is the largest producer of authentic Catholic tapes in the world. Their apologetic tapes, as well as their Bible tapes, are all excellent.
This Rock, P.O. Box 17490, San Diego, CA 92177. Edited by Karl Keating, the founder of Catholic Answers, This Rock is the finest monthly apologetical publication in the English language. Every Catholic family should subscribe to this insightful journal. The annual subscription of $24.00 is a bargain.
Acrea, John W. "Call to Action: The Voice of God or an Echo of the Culture?" Homiletic and Pastoral Review, August-September, 1998, pp. 58-62. Fr. Acrea affirms that Call to Action is contrary to the prophetic voice of Jesus Christ.
Acrea, John W. "I Woke up to Find My Parish Protestant, Homiletic and Pastoral Review, August-September 1996, pp. 31-32,59. This short article describes the impact on Catholics of moral relativism.
Anderson, Mary Jo. "St. Anthony Messenger Flirts with Extreme Left," Crisis, December 1997. This article discusses the Messenger's new publication, Millennium Monthly, whose contributors include several of the most radical dissenting Catholic priests, nuns and theologians.
Beaumont, John. "Contraception, Authority and Catholic Faith," Homiletic and Pastoral Review, January 1998, pp. 25-44. This article makes a strong case that the Church's prohibition against contraception as expressed in Humanae Vitae was infallible teaching even before the encyclical was written. His discussion of the ordinary Magisterium is very lucid.
Benedict XV. Spiritus Paraclitus: On the Fifteenth Centenary of the Death of St. Jerome, September 15, 1920, Boston: St. Paul Editions.
Belloc, Hilaire, How the Reformation Happened, Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., c. 1929. This is a succinct and scholarly treatment by a first-rate historian.
Belloc, Hilaire, The Crisis of Civilization, Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., c. 1937. This is a compilation of lectures given at Fordham University in 1937. His insights are more meaningful today.
Belloc, Hilaire, The Great Heresies, Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 1938. This is a profoundly insightful little book by a great historian.
Brett, Stephen F. "Reception and the Catechism," Homiletic and Pastoral Review, October 1994. Fr. Brett exposes the fallacies of those who attack the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Bruce, F. F. The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? Grand Rapids Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1994. The little book by an eminent Protestant scholar is a sound treatment defending the reliability of the New Testament.
Bruskewitz, Bishop Fabian. A Shepherd Speaks, San Francisco: Ignatius Press. Bishop Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska is one of America's finest bishop theologians. In this insightful book, he provides a penetrating look into the nature of the Church. It is a book that will both instruct and inspire.
Carroll, Anne W. Christ The King Lord of History: A Catholic World History from Ancient to Modern Times, Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., c. 1994. This is a good survey of the history of the Catholic Church.
Carroll, Warren H. The Last Crusade, Front Royal, Virginia: Christendom Press, c. 1996. This is a factual and moving history of the Spanish Civil War.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1994. This wonderful publication is the authoritative summary of the Roman Catholic Faith.
Chaput, Charles J. Of Human Life, Catholic World News July 20, 1998. This is an outstanding pastoral letter by Archbishop Chaput of Denver in which he convincingly defends Humanae Vitae.
Chilton, David. The Days of Vengeance: An Exposition of the Book of Revelation, Ft. Worth, Texas: Dominion Press, c. 1987. In addition to presenting a fine commentary on the Book of Revelation Chilton makes a strong case for the book's pre-A.D. 70 authorship.
Clowes, Brian. Call to Action or Call to Apostasy? How Dissenters Plan to Remake the Catholic Church in Their Own Image, Front Royal, Virginia: Human Life International, c. 1997. This valuable little book can be purchased from HLI, 4 Family Life, Front Royal, Virginia 22630 of only $6 shipping included. Not only does it provide a superb summary of the tactics used to destroy the Church from within, but it also provides tactical tips on how to defend the Church. The book is very readable and is highly recommended.
Cobbert, William, A History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland, Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., originally published in 1896. This is an excellent history.
Cole, Basil. "Cardinal Mahoney's: Gather Faithfully Together," Homiletic & Pastoral Review, August-September 1999, pp.14-19. This is a well-thought-out critique of Cardinal Mahoney's controversial pastoral letter.
Congregation for the Clergy. General Catechetical Directory, April 11, 1971.
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Instruction on the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian, 1990.
Contini, Lisa Marie. "The Ideology of Sex Education," Homiletic & Pastoral Review, April 1998, pp. 29-51. This is an insightful article on the problems of secular and classroom sex education. It is well worth reading. However, what it lacks is an in-depth analysis of any of the so-called Catholic sex education programs that are being used in so many dioceses around the country.
Coulson, William R. "The Californication of Carl Rogers," Fidelity, November 1987. This in-depth article discusses the transformation of Carl Rogers from "a successful academic and author" into "one of the most important social revolutionaries of our time." Dr. Coulson also shows the destructive consequences of Rogers Number Two, "dishonest books, and fractured lives."
Coulson, William R. "We Overcame Their Traditions, We Overcame their Faith," The Latin Mass, Special Edition, pp. 12-17; and "Tearing Down the Temple: Confessions of a School Dismantler," Fidelity, December 1993, pp. 18-22. These two articles are listed together because they discuss the same topic by the same author, Dr. William Coulson who was both a disciple and co-practitioner with Carl Rogers. He discusses his role in the destruction of Catholic religious orders. It's a distressing narrative.
Cunningham, W. Patrick, "The Language of the Body & the Mass," New Oxford Review, February 1999, pp. 6-19. This insightful article discusses the issue of posture at Mass.
Daniel-Rops, Henri. The Second Vatican Council: The Story Behind the Ecumenical Council of Pope John XXIII, New York: Hawthorn Books Inc., c. 1962. The author discusses Vatican II in the context of previous Councils. His perspective is interesting because the book was written before the Council ended.
De Haro, Ramon Garcia. Marriage and the Family in the Documents of the Magisterium: A Course in the Theology of Marriage, translated by William E. May, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1993. This is a comprehensive presentation and analysis of the Church's teaching on marriage and the family. It covers periods from Trent to Pius XI's Casti Connubii through John Paul II's insightful Familarius Consortio. This is an excellent study.
DeMarco, Donald "The Scope and Character of Catholic Education," Fidelity, June 1987, pp. 32-41. This insightful article highlights the logical flaws and self-destructiveness of the secularization of Catholic higher education.
Denzinger, Henry. Enchrirdion Symbolorum, 13th edition, translated by Roy J. Deferrairi, The Sources of Catholic Dogma, St. Louis: B. Herder Book Co. c. 1957. This is an outstanding source of official Church pronouncements.
Dreher, John D. "The Danger of Centering Prayer," This Rock, November 1997, pp. 13-16. This article shows why centering prayer is incompatible with Catholic tradition.
Duggan, George H. "The Dates of the Gospels," Homiletic and Pastoral Review, May 1997, pp. 45-50. This article exposes the late dating myth that is so popular among modern biblical scholars.
Elliott, Peter J. Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite: The Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours, A Manual for Clergy and All Involved in Liturgical Ministries, San Francisco, c.1994. This is a great resource to find answers to liturgical questions.
Encyclopedia of Catholic Doctrine, Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, c. 1997. Russell Shaw is the general editor of his outstanding resource. He has brought together top Catholic contributors who precisely and faithfully proclaim the Catholic faith in clear, succinct articles. This work should be in every Catholic home. I highly recommend it. It comes in either a book or CD format.
Engel, Randy. Sex Education: The Final Plague, Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc. 1993. Before parents permit their children to participate in classroom sex education, this book should be required reading.
Farmer, William R. The Gospel of Jesus: The Pastoral Relevance of the Synoptic Problem, Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1994. Farmer's scholarly work clearly demonstrates that there is no persuasive evidence that Mark's gospel was written first or that the "Q" document ever existed . . . except, of course, in the imagination of exegetes.
Flach, Michael F. "What Went Right?" The Catholic World Report, May 1995, pp. 36-41. So there's a vocation crisis. Not in the diocese of Arlington, VA. This article highlights the success of their vocation program. They do strange things like pray, have devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, wear clerical garb, strongly support the Church's Magisterium, support homeschooling and family life, and remain close to their bishop.
Flannery, Austin general editor. Vatican Council II: The Concillar and Post Conciliar Documents, 2 Vols. Northport, New York: Costello Publishing Company, c. 1988.
Fraunces, John P. "Vocation Crisis: The Self-Inflicted Wound," Homiletic and Pastoral Review, March 1998, pp. 48-53. This article should be required reading for anyone considering entering a seminary and for his parents. The sub-title tells the sad tale, "the right choice of diocese and seminary is crucial for any heterosexual and orthodox man who feels called to the priesthood."
Galey, William T. "The Shaky Foundations of the Jesus Seminar," New Oxford Review, September 1997, pp. 19-21. This is good article that exposes the fallacies that supports much of what passes as biblical scholarship.
Galles, Duane, J.D., J.C.L. "Locating a Tabernacle," Christifidelis, August 10, 1999, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp.1, 6-8. This is a very informative article that clearly presents the Church's teaching regarding the Tabernacle.
Gamber, Monsignor Klaus. The Reform of the Roman Liturgy: Its Problems and Background, translated by Klaus D. Grimm, San Juan Capistrano: Una Voce Press and Harrison, New York: The Foundation for Catholic Reform, c. 1993. This scholarly work discusses the tragedy of the fabricated liturgy that descended upon the Church after Vatican II. The organic, living process of growth was abandoned for a banal on-the-spot product. He has clear insight into true liturgy as opposed to our present falsification.
Gaudoin-Parker, Michael L. The Real Presence through the Ages: Jesus Adored in the Sacrament of the Altar, New York: Alba House, c. 1993. This effective work gives numerous examples of witnessing to the Real Presence over twenty centuries. The witness from Patrology is particularly useful.
Gentry Jr., Kenneth L. Before Jerusalem Fell: Dating the Book of Revelation, Tyler, Texas: Institute for Christian Economics, c. 1989. This well researched doctrinal dissertation convincingly argues that the Book of Revelation was written before 70A.D.
George, Robert P. and Saunders, William L. "The Future of Catholic Education," Crisis, February 1998, pp. 30-35. This excellent article discusses the apostasy of Catholic colleges and universities in the 1967 Land O' Lakes statement and their resistance to submit to Pope Paul II's Ex Corde Ecclesiae. This article helps one understand why attendance at so-called Catholic colleges may be injurious to their student's faith.
Grisez, Germain. "Hope Despite Continuing Dissent," Lay Witness, July/August 1998, pp. 44-45. This is an insightful discussion of Pope Paul VI's encyclical Humanae Vitae, the dissent which followed and hope for the future.
Grisez, Germain, The Way of the Lord Jesus: Vol. I, Christian Moral Principles; Vol. 2, Living a Christian Life; Vol. 3, Difficult Moral Questions, Quincy, Illinois: Franciscan Press, c. 1997. This comprehensive work, each volume is about 1,000 pages, provides an excellent summary of authentic Catholic moral teaching. Mr. Grisez is the professor of Christian Ethics at Mount St. Mary's College in Emmitsburg, Maryland, one of the country's finest seminaries.
Grisez, Germain & Shaw, Russell. "The Crisis in Eucharistic Faith," Homiletic and Pastoral Review, February 1995, pp. 16-21. This solid article explores some of the problems that have diminished faith in the Real Presence and make a strong case for a renewed Eucharistic catechesis.
Hardon, John A. The Catholic Catechism: A Contemporary Catechism of the Teachings of the Catholic Church, Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc. c. 1966. This volume is typical of Fr. Hardon work. It's first rate.
Hauke, Mandred. God or Goddess? Feminist Theology: What is it? Where does it Lead? San Francisco: Ignatius, c. 1995. This is a detailed study of feminist theology accompanied by an insightful critique of its many flaws from the perspective of Catholic teaching.
Healy, Jack. "Ordinatio Sacerdotalis: Infallible?" Homiletic and Pastoral Review, December 1996, pp. 9-13. This is a solid article.
Hertz, Solange, The Star-Spangled Heresy: Americanism or How the Catholic Church in America Became the American Catholic Church, Santa Monica, California: Veritas Press, c. 1992. This short book is well worth reading.
Hitchcock, Helen Hull. "They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid Him," Adoremus Bulletin, Vol. V, No 5, pp. 1, 3, 7. This fine article cites all the relevant Church documents regarding the Tabernacle. It's a great resource.
Hitchcock, Helen Hull and Bonofy, Susan. "Every Knee Should Bow - But When?," Adoremus Bulletin, Vol. IV, No 4, June 1999, pp. 1, 4-6. This insightful article clarifies the uncertainty that surrounds the postures of Catholics during Mass.
Hitchcock, James. Recovery of the Sacred, San Francisco: Ignatius Press. In examining destructive liturgical reforms brought about by professional liturgists since the Second Vatican Council, Hitchcock proposes solid remedies.
Hitchcock, James. Years of Crisis: Collected Essays, 1970-1983, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1985. This collection of articles is well worth reading. Hitchcock has a clear insight into our troublesome times.
Hoegen, Joseph H. "It Isn't Fair, Father!" Homiletic & Pastoral Review, August-September 1998, pp. 63-65. This article decries the Protestantization of the Catholic Church in the U.S.
International Theological Commission: Texts and Documents 1969-1985, edited by Michael Sharkey, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1989. This volume contains all the documents published by the International Theological Commission during the first fifteen years of its existence. This is serious, but worthwhile reading.
Jurjevich, Ratibor-Ray M. The War on Christ in America, Denver: Ichthys Books, c. 1985. This is a penetrating look at the destructive campaign against the Christian values, morality, influence, and security in the United States.
Jone, Heribert and Adelman, Urban. Moral Theology, Westminster, Maryland: The Newman Press, 1961. This little work remains a pithy and accurate resource for reviewing basic definitions and distinctions of Catholic moral theology.
John Paul II, Ad Tuendam Fidem, 1998
John Paul II, Apostolos Suos: The Theological and Juridical Nature of Episcopal Conferences, July 23, 1998.
John Paul II, Catechesi Tradendae: Catechesis in Our Time, 1979, Boston: St. Paul Editions.
John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae: The Gospel of Life, March 25, 1995, Boston: St. Paul Books & Media.
John Paul II. Familiaris Consortio: The Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World, December 15, 1981, Boston: St. Paul Editions.
John Paul II. Letter to Families, February 2, 1994, Boston: St. Paul Books & Media.
John Paul II. Mulieris Dignitatem: On the Dignity and Vocation of Women, August 15, 1988, Boston: St. Paul Editions.
John Paul II. Ordinatio Sacerdotalis: Priestly Ordination Reserved to Men Alone, May 22, 1994.
John Paul II. Redemptor Hominis: The Redeemer of Man, March 5, 1979, Boston: St. Paul Editions.
John Paul II. Reconciliatio et Paenitentia: On Reconciliation and Penance in the Mission of the Church Today, 1984, Boston: St. Paul Books & Media.
John Paul II. The Theology of Marriage and Celibacy: Catechesis on Marriage and Celibacy in the Light of the Resurrection of the Body, Boston: St. Paul Editions, c. 1986.
John Paul II. Veritatis Splendor: The Splendor of Truth, August 6, 1993, Boston: St. Paul Books & Media.
Johnson, Kevin Orlin. "The Ten Most Common Liturgical Abuses," This Rock, January 1999, pp. 12-19. This is a useful discussion of liturgical abuses through which faithful Catholics must endure.
Jones, E. Michael, "Sex, Death, and the Single Girl at Saint Mary's," Fidelity, September 1996, pp. 32-43. This riveting article illustrates the destructiveness of the sexual permissiveness along with a contraceptive mentality promoted at this so-called Catholic girls' college which led to the death of Baby John Doe on February 28, 1986.
Keating, Karl. "Scott Hahn on the Politicized Bible," This Rock, September 1996, pp. 9-16. This excellent article is a lucid discussion of historical criticism exposing its many flaws.
Keezadeck, Mel. "Standing During the Eucharistic Prayer: Dissent in Practice," Fidelity, November 1987. This article articulates the rules regarding kneeling during the Eucharistic prayer and the problem with standing.
Kelly, George A. The Battle for the American Church, Garden City, New York: Image Books, 1981. This is a hard-hitting account of the wolves that are tearing apart the American church. However, according to Msgr. Kelly, the greatest blame lies at the feet of false shepherds, bishops who have permitted this to happen.
Kelly, George A. The Crisis of Authority: John Paul II and the American Bishops, Regency Gateway, c. 1982. Msgr. Kelly discusses the tension in the Catholic Church in the United States today: the ambivalent position of the American bishops, torn between supporting the faith of the Church as defined by Vatican II, and the fashionable dissenting positions of many of the clergy and leaders of Catholic institutions.
Kelly, George A. editor. Human Sexuality in our Time: What the Church Teaches, Boston: Daughters of St. Paul, c. 1979. This book contains s series of lectures given at St. John's University in the spring of 1978 by Msgr. George Kelly, Fr. Manuel Miguens, Fr. Robert Bradley, Fr. John Hardon, Fr. William Smith, and Msgr. Eugene Kevane.
Kelly, George A. Keeping the Church Catholic with John Paul II, San Francisco: Ignatius Press. The discussion of decision-making in the Church is very interesting. This book's focus is the battle for the soul of the Church, with emphasis on contraception and obedience to the Pope.
Kelly, J.N.D. Early Christian Doctrines, San Francisco: Harper, 1978. John Norman Davidson Kelly is an acknowledged authority on patristic literature. He held the prestigious position as Principal of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, England. This work is a lucid summary of Christian thought from the apostolic ate to the Council of Chalcedon in the fifth century.
Kennedy, Leonard A. "The Bishops and Their Universities," Fidelity, June 1987, pp. 12-14. This insightful article discusses the tragedy of the secularization of Catholic higher education and the cooperation and passivity of the American bishops.
Kilpatrick, William Kirk. "Catholic Colleges and Academic Freedom," Fidelity, June 1987, pp0. 8-11. This penetrating article highlights the fundamental flaws of the exaggerated notion of academic freedom under which banner many Catholic colleges and universities have abandoned the Catholic faith.
Kippley, John F. Sex and the Marriage Covenant: A Basis for Morality, Cincinnati: The Couple to Couple League International, Inc. This is a superb discussion of human sexuality in the context of the Christian meaning of marriage. It should be mandatory reading for all engaged and married couples. John Kippley is the founder of the Couple to Couple League.
Kitchen, Kenneth A. "The Patriarchal Age: Myth or History?" Biblical Archaeology Review, March/April 1995, pp. 48-56. The gist of this scholarly article is that facts that scientists have discovered about the ancient world match the data presented in the Bible providing another indication of the reliability of Sacred Scripture.
Kreeft, Peter. "Gender and the Will of God: The Issue of Priestesses is Ultimately an Issue of God," Crisis, September 1993, pp. 20-28. This is a good discussion of the subject.
Kreeft, Peter. The Snakebite Letters: Devilishly Devious Secrets for Subverting Society As Taught in Tempter's Training School, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1991. Copying the genre of C. S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters the insightful Kreeft provides an entertaining and penetrating analysis of Satan's attempts to damn mankind's soul.
Kwasniewski, Peter A. "Traditional Liturgy as a Liberation from Egoism," Homiletic & Pastoral Review, January 1999, pp.19-28. This solid article shows how liturgy has the power to transform its participants.
Kwasniewski, Peter A. and Terreri, Vincent. "The Theologian as Servant to the Magisterium," Homiletic and Pastoral Review, May 1998, pp. 13-28. This is a fine article that defines the true role of a Catholic theologian, namely, to be a sign of contradiction to the world, not a sign of contradiction to the Church.
Lamb, Matthew L. "Catholic Theological Society of America: Theologians Unbound," Crisis, December 1997, pp. 36-37. This is a tight, hard-hitting article exposing the flaws of the CTSA and the doctoral programs of Catholic Universities.
Laux, John. Church History: A Complete History of the Catholic Church to the Present Day, Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc. This is n excellent history o the Catholic Church. Its chief limitation is that it barely discusses the pontificate of Pius XII and nothing after that.
Leo XIII. Providentissimus Deus: On the Study of Sacred Scripture, November 18, 1893, Boston: St. Paul Editions.
Linnemann, Eta. Historical Criticism of the Bible: Methodology or Ideology? translated by Robert W. Warbrough, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, c. 1990. Linnemann studied under both Rudolf Bultmann and Ernst Fuchs. She debunks the underlining principles of historical criticism exposing the secular, paganistic assumptions of its practitioners.
Linnemann, Eta. Is there a Synoptic Problem? Rethinking the Literary Dependence of the First Three Gospels, translated by Robert W. Yarbrough, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, c. 1992. Linnemann makes a compelling presentation for rejecting the theory that Matthew, Mark, and Luke have a literary dependence. Using technical studies she shows the fallacies in the assumptions of historical, form, and redaction criticism.
Marks, Frederick W. "Letter to a Nephew on Fornication," Homiletic and Pastoral Review, August-September 1997, pp. 19-24. This effective article shows the connection between fornication and adultery.
Marshall, Robert and Donovan, Charles. Blessed Are The Barren: The Social Policy of Planned Parenthood, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1991. This is a meticulously researched account of the rise, growth, and pervasive influence of Planned Parenthood in 20th century America. It also examines the appalling evidence of Planned Parenthood's impact upon family life and social mores, from exploding teenage sexual activity, pregnancy, and abortion rates to marital break-up, pornography, and the culture of pleasure.
Martimort, Aimé-Georges. Deaconesses: An Historical Study, translated by K. D. Whitehead, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1986. This is the most definitive study on the subject of deaconesses in the Church. The author masterfully demonstrates that the term derives from the Greek word for "service," and that it was used for a variety of "service" performed by women in the Church. Deaconesses never constituted an order in the Church.
Martin, Ralph. A Crisis of Truth: The Attack on Faith, Morality, and Mission in the Catholic Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan: Servant Books, c. 1982. This is an excellent expose of the false prophets within the Church and their tactics.
Martindale, C. C. "Theosophy: Origin of the New Age: Part I," This Rock, February 1996, pp. 34-40 and "Theosophy: Origin of the New Age, Part II," March 1996, pp. 34-42. Fr. Martindale gives a clear treatment of this subject.
May, William E. An Introduction to Moral Theology, Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, c. 1991. This is a clear, concise presentation of the basic moral teaching of the Catholic Church.
McBride, Alfred. "Why We Need the New Catechism: Vatican II Promise and Post-Vatican II Reality," The Church and the Universal Catechism, edited by Anthony Mastroeni, Steubenville, Ohio: Franciscan University Press, c. 1992. Fr. McBride provides a clear description of the general problem of Catholic religious education in the postconciliar years.
McInerny, Ralph. "Do Moral Theologians Corrupt Youth?" New Covenant, November 1979, pp. 4-7. This distinguished philosopher answers his question in the affirmative.
McInerny, Ralph. What Went Wrong with Vatican II? Manchester, New Hampshire: Sophia Institute Press, c. 1998. This world-renowned authority on St. Thomas Aquinas gives an insightful account of how the Second Vatican Council was hijacked, which led to the crisis in the Church today.
Miceli, Vincent P. Women Priests and Other Fantasies, North Haledon, New Jersey: Keep the Faith. The author gives a clear presentation on confusion and evil that happens when the senses of the sacred and supernatural are lost, and Sacred Scripture is judged by secular standards.
Mole, John W. "Assult on the Roman Rite," Homiletic & Pastoral Review, August-September 1996, pp18-24. This article tells it like it is: "the word for what has been done to the Roman Rite since Vatican Council II is truncation!"
Moran, Tracy. "God Has Used This Sinner," Envoy, November 1997-February 1998, pp. 10-11. This is a fine but brief discussion of the life's work of a great priest, Fr. John Hardon, S.J.
Morrissey, Gerard. The Crisis of Dissent, Front Royal, Virginia: Christendom Publications, c. 1985. The priest author wrote under a pseudonym. This short little book is a useful survey of the problem.
Morrison, David C. "Out of the Closet and into Chastity," This Rock, July/August 1994, pp. 10-16. This is an intelligent discussion of homosexuality in light of the Church's teaching on chastity.
Muggeridge, Anne Roche. The Desolate City: Revolution in the Catholic Church, San Francisco: Harper, c. 1975. This is a carefully researched and perceptive analysis of the assault on Catholic teaching.
Nicola, John J. Diabolical Possession and Exorcism, Rockford: Tan Books and Publishers, 1974. This book is listed because of its account on page 151 of Leo XIII's famous vision.
Nichols, Aidan. Looking at the Liturgy, San Francisco: Ignatius Press. This book is an assessment of the modern liturgical movement and the flawed reform of the liturgy that followed Vatican II.
O'Connor, James T. The Hidden Manna: A Theology of the Eucharist, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1988. This is a superb discussion of the Real Presence beginning with the apostolic tradition up to the present time. His exploration how this doctrine is presented in the writings of the early Church Fathers is excellent. He truly captures the breadth of this marvelous mystery.
Oddie, William. What Will Happen to God? Feminism and the Reconstruction of Christian Belief, San Francisco: Ignatius Press. Fr. Oddie exposes the fallacies of the effort of Neofeminists' attempt to eliminate from all church documents and prayers what they consider to be "sexist" language. He also demonstrates where this is heading.
Ostling, Richard N and Towle, Lisa H. "The Gospel Truth?" Time, April 8, 1996 pp. 52-59. A popular reporting of the absurd claims of the Jesus Seminar.
Ott, Ludwig. The Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, St. Louis: B. Herder Book Co., 1954. This is still an excellent work explaining authentic Catholic doctrine.
Paci, Stefano M. "Leo XIII's Diabolical Vision," 30 Days, December 1990, pp. 52-53. This article gives a historical account of Leo XIII's famous vision regarding the 20th Century.
Parente, Pietro, Piolanti, Antonio, and Garofalo, Salvatore. Dictionary of Dogmatic Theology, translated by Emmanuel Doronzo, Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Company, c. 1951. This is an excellent source for pithy definitions of theological terms.
Paul VI, Credo of the People of God, in Austin Flannery editor, Vatican Council II: More Postconciliar Documents, Northport, New York: Costello Publishing co., 1982, pp. 387-396.
Paul VI. Humanae Vitae: Of Human Life, Boston: St. Paul Editions
Paul VI. Mysterium Fidei: Mystery of Faith, Boston: Daughters of St. Paul.
Pell, Archbishop George. Issues of Faith and Morals, San Francisco: Ignatius Press. This book is addressed to Catholic youth of high school and college age. Using the Catechism of the Catholic Church as his guide, Archbishop Pell challenges these young men and women to seek the truth as he affirms the sublime Catholic alternative to the false answers that assail them.
Perrin, Norman. What is Redaction Criticism? Philadelphia: Fortress Press, c. 1969. This little book provides useful insights into what constitutes redaction criticism.
Pius X. Pascendi Dominici Gregis: On the Doctrines of the Modernists, and Lamentabili Sane: Syllabus Condemning the Errors of the Modernists, Boston: St. Paul Editions.
Pius XII. Divino Afflante Spiritu: Promotion of Biblical Studies, Boston: St. Paul Editions.
Pius XII. Humani Generis: Concerning Some False Opinions Which Threaten to Undermine the Foundations of Catholic Doctrine, Boston: St. Paul Editions.
Pontifical Council for the Family, "The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality," Origins, 3211 Fourth St. N. E. Washington, D.C. 20017-1100, February 1, 1996, Vol. 25: No. 32.
Pontifical Biblical Commission. The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church, Boston: St. Paul Books and Media, c. 1993. This fine document shows the limitations of the historical-critical method and sets wise guidelines for interpreting Sacred Scripture.
Pontifical Council for the Family, The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality, December 8, 1995.
Problems of the Church Today, Washington: Publications Office U. S. Catholic Conference, c. 1976. This little book contains twelve articles by eminent theologians and churchmen that originally appeared in L'Osservatore Romano.
Provan, Charles D. The Bible and Birth Control, Monongahela, Pennsylvania: Zimmer Printing, c. 1989. This small book is divided into three parts. Part I discusses nine reasons why the Bible prohibits birth control. Part II gives two alternative viewpoints and their rebuttals. Both parts were originally printed in the Christian News, which generally expresses a Lutheran outlook. Part II presents the overwhelming Protestant criticism of birth control prior to recent times.
Rao, John C. Americanism: and The Collapse of the Church in the United States, and Why Catholics Cannon Defend Themselves, private printing, c. 1995. This booklet is well worth reading.
Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal. A New Song For the Lord: Faith in Christ and Liturgy Today, translated by Martha M. Matesich, New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, c. 1997. This insightful book connects proper liturgical renewal with the proper understanding of God and the world and our relationship to Christ, the Church and ourselves.
Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal. The Feast of Faith: Approaches to a Theology of the Liturgy, translated by Graham Harrison, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1986. This is a wonderful discussion on the theology of liturgy. It is filled with marvelous insights.
Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal with Messori, Vittorio. The Ratzinger Report, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1985.
Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal. "We Experienced That There God Dwells with Men," Inside the Vatican, Part I, January 1998, pp. 43-47. This is a profound theological and deeply spiritual discussion of the Eucharistic celebration. Not only does it provide a valuable framework in understanding the liturgy, but it also gives direction to needed reform.
Reimers, Adrian J. "The Trouble with Catholicism," This Rock, September 1997, pp. 14-19. This article elucidates the flaws in Fr. Richard McBrien's Catholicism that the American bishops' Committee on Doctrine called "confusing and ambiguous."
Rini, Suzanne M. "The Jesuits and the Papist Seminarians: A Case Study of the Real Vocations Crisis," Fidelity, March 1987, pp. 18-27. This gripping article demonstrates the obstacles facing orthodox seminarians that wish to become priests. In particular it relates the experiences of two Jesuit novices at Loyola House, a Jesuit seminary in Berkeley, Michigan. It's enough to move one to weep.
Robertson, Brian. "Christian Initiation at Risk," Crisis, February 1998, pp. 18-23. This article is a devastating expose of the scandalous instruction given to over 50,000 catechists by the North American Forum on the Catechumenate (NAF). This is must reading for anyone involved in RCIA programs.
Robinson, John A. T. Redating the New Testament, London: XPRESS Reprints, C. 1976. This is the classic scholarly work challenging the attempts of modern scholars to assign late dates to the composition of New Testament books. His conclusions have often been ignored, but they remain unchallenged.
Rutler, George William. Beyond Modernity: Reflections of a Post-Modern Catholic, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1987. Fr Rutler does a masterful job of presenting the emptiness and vanity of modern man's attempts to deify progress and look to modernity as a goal in itself.
Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Instruction on the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian, May 24, 1990, Boston: St. Paul Books & Media
Sacred Congregation of Rites. Eucharisticum Mysterium: Instruction on Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery, May 25, 1967, Boston: St. Paul Books & Media.
Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship. Inaestimabile Donum: Instruction Concerning Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery, April 17, 1980, Boston: St. Paul Books & Media.
Sanchez, Marguerita. "Confidence Game," Crisis, March 1998, pp. 16-19. This article exposes the "shadow organizations" founded by a small number of radicals who attempt to give the impression that they represent "a groundswell of support for liberal church reforms." Two of this group, Fr. Robert Nugent and Sister Jeannine Gramick, are under investigation by the Vatican for their views on homosexuality.
Sander, Nicolas. The Rise and Growth of the Anglican Schism, Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., originally published in 1585. Originally published in Latin this work was translated into many languages. It is considered a classic work on the subject.
Scanlon, Regis. "Kneeling and Faith in the Eucharist," Homiletic and Pastoral Review, August-September 1994, pp. 7-19. Fr. Scanlon clarifies the Church's teaching regarding gestures and postures showing the connection between faith and behavior.
Schaefer, Vernon J. "Classroom Sex Education," Homiletic and Pastoral Review, March 1995, pp. 53-57. Father Schaefer, who is a pastor of Holy Redeemer Church in Eyota, Minn., makes a compelling argument that "sex education should never be taught as a separate subject but integrated into the moral teachings of the Church."
Schloeder, Steven J. Architecture in Communion: Implementing the Second Vatican Council Through Liturgy and Architecture, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1998. If your parish is building or remodeling your church read this book. It is an excellent treatment.
Sheller, Jeffery L. with Mike Tharp and Jill Jordan Seider. "In Search of Jesus," U.S News & World Report, April 8, 1996, pp. 47-53. This article discusses Thiede's and D'Ancona's book Eyewitness to Jesus and the Jesus Seminar.
Smith, Janet E. editor. Why Humanae Vitae Was Right: A Reader. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1993. This volume included twenty-one outstanding essays dealing with the subject of contraception. Together they present a powerful defense of the traditional Christian understanding of conjugal love from its life-giving dimension.
Smith, Janet E. Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later, Washington: The Catholic University of America Press, c. 1991. This is a comprehensive review of the issue of contraception from it philosophical, biblical, and theological perspectives. This is an excellent treatment of the subject.
Sommers, Christina Hoff. Who Stole Feminism: How Women Have Betrayed Women, New York: Simon & Schuster, c. 1994. Sommers, a professor of philosophy, provides an excellent analysis of how a small band of extremists stole the feminist movement. Unfortunately, her lack of theological depth prevents her from effectively offering countermeasures.
Steichen, Donna. "By Their Own Hands: Lawrence Kohlberg and Catholic Religious Education," Fidelity, November 1987, pp. 32-42. This essay is a penetrating analysis of Lawrence Kohlberg's evil influence on Catholic religious education.
Steichen, Donna. Ungodly Rage: The Hidden Face of Catholic Feminism, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1991. This is a shocking presentation of the demonic, goddess religion and witchcraft that has become a dominant influence of radical, so-called, Catholic feminists, most of whom are Sisters. It's a tragic tale that was meticulously researched.
Sullivan, William J. "Translating the Novus Ordo Missae into Good English," Homiletic & Pastoral Review, May 1995, pp. 49-57. The thrust of this article is that additions, subtractions, and modifications have been employed in English translations of the Novus Ordo of 1971 to undermine the true meaning of the original texts.
Suprenant, Jr., Leon J. "Going God's Way: The Church's Teaching on Moral Conscience," Lay Witness, June 1998, pp. 19-23. This brief article gives a clear presentation of the Church's teaching regarding conscience.
Tekippe, Terry J. "The Catholic Church in Germany," Homiletic and Pastoral Review, May 1998, pp. 61-64. Fr. Tekippe, a theologian in the diocese of New Orleans, gives a joyless account of the sad state of the Church in Germany. It comes with a serious warning. "What is happening at the present time in Germany could possibly happen in time also in the United States of America."
"The Ancient Enemy Returns," Inside the Vatican, November 1994, by their staff, pp. 40-41. This is a brief treatment of the subject.
"The Death of a Catholic Seminary," Homiletic and Pastoral Review, May 1995. This anonymously published article tells the tragic tale of what went terribly wrong in the seminary in question.
The Catholic Priest as Moral Teacher and Guide, Proceedings of a Symposium Held at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania, January 17-20, 1990, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1990. This work is a compilation of talks given by some of the world's best theologians. Cardinal Ratzinger gave the keynote address and closing homily. Other speakers included William E. May, Fr. Albert Vanhoye, Fr. Georges Chantraine, Germain Grisez, and John Haas.
Thiede, Carsten Peter and D'Ancona, Matthew. Eyewitness to Jesus: Amazing New Manuscript Evidence About the Origin of the Gospels, New York: Doubleday, c. 1996. Using the Magdalen Papyrus papyrologist Carsten Thiede corroborates the tradition that St. Matthew wrote the Gospel that bears his name and that the Greek text was written around 60 A.D. Clearly, then, Matthew's Gospel is the account of an eyewitness.
Trinchard, Paul. God's Word, Hanover, Massachusetts: The Christopher Publishing House, c. 1990. The purpose of Fr. Trinchard's book is to fortify or restore confidence in the Bible as God's word.
Tresmontant, Claude. The Gospel of Matthew, translated by K. D. Whitehead, Front Royal, Virginia: Christendom Press, c. 1996. This internationally renowned Hebrew scholar argues that our Greek Matthew is a translation from the Hebrew original. In addition, he positions the Greek text around the years 36-40.
Tresmontant, Claude. The Hebrew Christ, Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1989. In this work, Tresmontant argues that the Gospels were originally written in Hebrew and makes a strong case against a late authorship of John's gospel.
Trinchard, Paul. Apostasy Within: The Demonic in the (Catholic) American Church, Hanover, Massachusetts: The Christopher Publishing House, c. 1989. This book has many positive features. It suffers from the lack of footnoting and the omission of an index.
Van Den Aardweg, Gerard J.M. The Battle for Normality: A Guide for (self-) Therapy for Homosexuality, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1997. This is a solid self-help manual for men and women troubled with homosexuality.
Vasoli, Robert H. "Annulments in America: Rebutting a Rebuttal," Homiletic & Pastoral Review, April 1998, pp. 16-28. This insightful article explores the American tribunal system that has been mass-producing annulments. In his concluding remarks Mr. Vasoli states: "It is simply beyond dispute that U.S. tribunals have used spurious findings of defective consent to annul tens of thousands of marriages. For an entire generation, they have engaged in the profanation of Christian marriage on a grand scale."
Von Hilderbrand, Dietrich. The Devastated Vineyard, Manchester, New Hampshire: Sophia Institute Press. This noted scholar describes in harrowing detail the destruction of the Catholic Church Europe and America. He details the methods of infiltration and subversion used to paralyze and confuse orthodox Catholics.
Von Hildebrand, Dietrich. Trojan Horse in the City of God: The Catholic Crisis Explained, Manchester, New Hampshire: Sophia Institute Press, c. 1967, 1993. This is an insightful refutation of those who spawn error in the Church. It is a powerful book that deserves study.
Whitehead, Kenneth D. "Can Church Authority be Re-established?" Homiletic and Pastoral Review, March 1998, pp. 25-47. Mr. Whitehead, a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education, makes a strong case that our bishops must step up and exercise authority over errant theologians. This is a tragically persuasive article.
Whitehead, Kenneth D. "Sex Education--New Vatican Guidelines," Crisis, May 1996, pp. 39-43. This is a useful discussion of the Vatican's new document The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality.
Whitehead, Kenneth D. "What to Do About Our Largely Secularized Catholic Colleges and Universities," New Oxford Review, July-August 1997, pp. 17-21. This incisive article addresses a critical issue, namely, the need for the American bishops to exercise their pastoral responsibility over Catholic colleges and universities.
Wiltgen, Ralph M. The Rhine Flows into the Tiber, Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., c. 1967, 1978. This is an excellent history of the Second Vatican Council by a first-rate historian.
Wood, Steve, "Sex Education: Protecting Your Children From Something Worse Than Herod's Troops," Covenant Keepers, November 1996, Vol. 2, Issue 6; Family Life Center International P. O. Box 6060 Port Charlotte, FL 33949. This issue is must reading for any parent with school-age children who may be exposed to ANY sex education program.
Woodward, Kenneth L. "Rethinking the Resurrection," Newsweek, April 8, 1996, pp. 60-70. This is another popular article presenting the attacks on the biblical accounts based on historical criticism.
Wrenn, Michael. Catechisms and Controversies: Religious Education in the Postconciliar Years, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c. 1991 This excellent work provides the best history of the distorted and often erroneous religious education following the Second Vatican Council. He documents the tragedy of the religious-educational establishment's failure to teach the Catholic properly and how they trained others to do the same.
Wrenn, Michael. "'Catholic' Universities: Independent or Nonsectarian?" Fidelity, March 1987, pp. 13-15. Msgr. Wrenn provides a clear analysis of the apostasy of so-called Catholic colleges and universities.
Wrenn, Michael. "Contemporary Catholic Biblical Scholarship: Certitudes or Hypotheses?" Fidelity, November 1987, pp. 8-13. This scholarly article shows the flaws of modern biblical scholarship that grounds so many of its conclusions on the shaky foundation of speculation. In particular Msgr. Wrenn addresses the issue of dating the books of the New Testament.
Wrenn, Michael and Whitehead, Kenneth D. Flawed Expectations: The Reception of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, San Francisco: Ignatius, c. 1996. This is an insightful exposé of the attempts to submarine and the negative reception the Catechism received from various theologians, educators and even bishops.
Hahn, Scott, Fessio, Joseph, Folsom, Cassian and Stroik, Duncan, Liturgy & Life - Adoremus Conference '97. St. Joseph Communications, Inc. 1-800-526-2151. These five presentations present what Vatican II really taught about the liturgy. The topics covered are Liturgy as Heaven on Earth; Restoring Reverence to the Liturgy; Environments for Liturgical Worship; Homily and Panel Discussion.
Hardon, John A. The Profession of the Roman Catholic Faith, Eternal life, Bardstown, KY 40004-0787, 800-842-2871, $ 38.00. This is a collection of twelve 45-minute cassettes, which will reward the listener with a deep understanding of each of the articles of the creed. Father Harden, at age 83, is a renowned theologian and educator who is profoundly devoted to the Blessed Eucharist. Each cassette consists of two parts, a doctrinal discussion on an article of faith, and an explanation of its implication for every person's life. This outstanding series is designed to equip Catholics to understand what we profess and to help us live accordingly.
Luykx, Abbot Boniface, The Failure of the Liturgical Reform, W. Covina, California: St. Joseph Communications, Inc. 1-800-526-2151. This is an outstanding discussion about the liturgical movement from the time prior to Vatican II to the present day. Abbot Boniface attended the Council as a theological expert and helped draft the Constitution on the Liturgy. He provided many invaluable insights into what went right and what went wrong. Regretfully, the recording quality of these three tapes is not up to St. Joseph Communications' usual high standards.
Pacwa, Mitchell. How to Evangelize the New Age Movement, W. Covina, California: St. Joseph Communications, Inc. 1-800-526-2151. Fr. Pacwa gives a superb discussion on the New Age Movement in four talks. This is an excellent series.
Scanlon, Regis. The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, W. Covina, California: St. Joseph Communications, Inc. 1-800-526-2151. This is an outstanding discussion of Catholic teaching from the scriptural, patristic, and theological points of view. His treatment on the modern attacks on the Real Presence by contemporary Catholic theologians is excellent. This is an excellent series that warrants the highest recommendation.
This list of books may be ordered from the Couple to Couple League. Email: [email protected]; Web site P.O. Box 111184 Cincinnati, Ohio 45211
Driscoll, Patricia A. Sex Appreciation--A Handbook on Chastity. This is an excellent book for teens. It is a beautiful presentation that bases the physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual and sociological facts with chastity that is the best response to God's gift of sexuality.
Harris, Joshua. I Kissed Dating Goodbye, Multnomah Press, 1997. This young adult gives this insightful reflection on dating. He encourages young people to focus on discovering God's will in their lives rather than the dating game.
Nixon, Joan Lowery. Before You Were Born, Our Sunday Visitor, 1980. This is a wonderful children's book that explains the first nine months of life.
Sattler, H. Vernon. Challenging Children to Chastity, Catholic Central Union of America, 1991. This is a wonderfully practical book for parents and educators. It gives practical ideas for instilling clear unequivocal moral values. It avoids the excesses and false philosophies that permeate the pernicious sex-ed that pervert the values and behavior of the young.
The New Corinthians Curriculum: Grades Kindergarten through Eight and parent-to-child Instruction On Human Sexuality, the Couple to Couple League. This is an outstanding program of chastity education that emphasizes the spiritual development of children through the acquisition of the virtues, self-sacrificing love, and a personal commitment to Christ.
Willke, J. C. The Wonder of Sex, Hayes Publishing Co., 1983. This is a practical book on how to teach children about sex. It also gives wise guidelines for parents on dating and other related areas.
Because of the importance of the Catechism the following titles are listed separately. These titles are not listed elsewhere. This section should prove helpful to Catholic religious educators as well as others who want to gain a deeper understanding of the Catechism.
Baker, Kenneth. Fundamentals of Catholicism, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 3 vols. Fr. Baker is the respected editor of Homiletic and Pastoral Review. In this set, he presents an orthodox course on the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Hater, Robert J. New Vision, New Directions: Implementing the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Allen, Texas and Chicago, Illinois: Thomas More/A Division of Tabor Publishing, 1994. This book was commissioned by the National Conference of Catechetical Leadership (NCCL). Fr. Hater is a professor of religious studies at the University of Dayton. This is a good commentary.
Johnson, Mary Ann. The New Catholic Catechism: Worship Resources, Washington, D.C.: National Catholic Educational Association. Sister Johnson gives an excellent presentation designed for workshops introducing the Catechism to teachers and others. About half of the book consists of graphic charts that can easily be reproduced as overhead transparencies. The remainder of the work consists of an outline one can use in conjunction with the transparencies. Her material is presented in a manner that is complete, accurate, and clear.
Kelly, Francis D. The Mystery We Proclaim: Catechesis at the Third Millennium, Huntington, Ind.: Our Sunday Visitor, 1993. Msgr. Kelly was one of the forty international consultors involved in writing the Catechism. He was for many years the executive director of the Department of Religious Education for the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). The book is concise and readable. It gives religious educators practical advice on dangers to avoid while outlining a solid and practical methodology for teaching the faith. DREs would find the book particularly useful.
McBride, Alfred. Essentials of the Faith: A Guide to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Huntington, Ind.: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 1994. This fine commentary originally appeared in a series of articles in Our Sunday Visitor.
Nichols, Aidan. The Splendour of Doctrine: The Catechism of the Catholic Church on Christian Believing, Edinburgh, Scotland: T & T Clark, 1995. Fr. Nichols' commentary develops the doctrinal part of the Catechism. His treatment highlights the wonderful depth of the Catechism.
O'Connor, Cardinal John. A Moment of Grace, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1995. This excellent commentary is based on a series of homilies on the Catechism that Cardinal O'Connor delivered in his cathedral in 1994.
Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal. Gospel, Catechesis, Catechism: Sidelights on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, San Francisco: Ignatius Press. In this masterful work, Cardinal Ratzinger offers new insights into the catechetical character and the Biblical foundation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. He shows how the Catechism is an indispensable teaching tool that clearly responds to man's deepest questions about the meaning of life, how to live a good life, and how to attain happiness in this life as well as in the next.
Tolhurst, James. A Concise Companion and Commentary for the New Catholic Catechism, Leominster, Herefordshire: Gracewing, and Westminster, MD.: Christian Classics, 1994. This is a fine commentary on the Catechism that is published both in the U.S. and in the United Kingdom.
Faith and Life, for grade school children, San Francisco: Ignatius Press. This outstanding series was written by Catholics United for the Faith (CUF). As of this writing, it is the only series that I can recommend without any reservations. The series now has the approval of the U.S. Bishops.
The National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) has determined that the Faith and Life grade school catechism series, authored by Catholics United for the Faith, conforms with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Faith and Life met the standards provided by the NCCB'S Ad Hoc Committee to Oversee the Use of the Catechism without requiring any revision.
For more information on Faith and Life, or for suggestions regarding high school texts, call CUF toll-free at (888) 647-9460.
Catechists for the New Evangelization (CNE)
7007 Bradley Blvd.
Bethesda, MD 20817
(301) 469-7522
Fax (301) 469-7522
This fine organization is an offshoot of the Institute for Evangelization (301) 767-0004 at the same address. It offers first-rate courses in catechetical and apostolic methods, apologetics, and Scripture. They also publish a practical newsletter called Tools. For courses offered this summer, contact the Institute.
The following publications are among hundreds fighting dissent and promoting truth. The list is not exhaustive. Rather it lists magazines, journals, and newspapers with which I am personally familiar. They are listed alphabetically.
Catholic World Report
P.O. Box 591300
San Francisco, CA 94159-1300
Provides in-depth reporting on specific attacks on the Faith around the world.
P.O. Box 10559
Riverton, N.J. 08076-0559
800-852-9962, e-mail: [email protected]
A mixture of excellent short articles and current news and trends in the Church.
Subscription Department
New Hope, KY 40052-9989
Web site:
This is a solid apologetic magazine.
HLI Reports and HLI Special Reports
Human Life International
4 Family Life
Front Royal, VA 22630
504-635-7884, Fax 504-636-7363
Web site:
Traditionally HLI focused on defending the life of the unborn. However, this fine organization now recognizes that the blight of abortion will never end until there occurs a genuine conversion among Catholics.
Homiletic and Pastoral Review
Ignatius Press
2515 McAllister St.
San Francisco, CA 94118
Although directed toward priests, many of the articles are of general interest. Its book review section is very useful as are the moral questions directed to Msgr. Smith.
Inside the Vatican
St. Martin de Porres Lay Dominican Community
New Hope, KY 40052-9989
800-789-9494, Fax: 502-325-3091
The focus is on the activity of the Holy Father and the Vatican bureaucracy.
National Catholic Register
P.O. Box 5158
Hamden, Con 06518-5158
800-421-3230, Fax: 203-288-5157
e-mail: [email protected]
This fine newspaper should not be confused with the organ of dissent, the National Catholic Reporter. Provides information on current trends in the Church. It often features articles on dissent and dissenters. Its articles lack the bite of The Wanderer.
This Rock
P.O. Box 17490
San Diego, Cal 92177
888-291-8000, Fax 619-541-1154
Web site:
This is the fine journal of Catholic Answers, the fine organization of Catholic apologetics. The subscription is a bargain.
The Wanderer
201 Ohio St.
St. Paul, Minn 55107
This weekly newspaper is the best available source for specific and timely information on dissent in the American Catholic Church. It definitely takes a stand and mentions names. My only objection is that its tone is sometimes strident.